Evansville Real Estate Update


Home values in Evansville, IN

Evansville consists of 43 neighborhoods. There are 633 homes for sale, ranging from $1K to $3.3M. Evansville have affordable multi-families, and affordable condo/townhomes.

What are the best neighborhoods in Evansville?

Some of the best neighborhoods in or around Evansville, Indiana are Greater Oakhill, Bellemeade Bayard Park and Presidents. Consider buying or renting a home in one of these popular neighborhoods.

Wheeler has a median listing price of $166.4K, making it the most expensive neighborhood.

Garvinwood is the most affordable neighborhood, with a median listing price of $32K.

Local Market Stats

  • $115k

    Median Listing Price

  • $79

    Median Listing Price/Sq Ft

  • 633

    Homes for Sale

  • 75

    Listed Within the Last Week

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